AllMyNotes Organizer - Portable version All the ideas and discussions
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I'd like to suggest an option to 'only keep the last XX backups' instead 'delete backups older than XX days'

Robert , 14.09.2011, 16:59
Idea status: under consideration


Robert, 14.09.2011, 17:37
...a right click option to send a note , pasted in the email and preserving hyperlinks, would be great too.
nathalie, 14.09.2011, 20:52
Imagine I leave on a long holiday trip, I may not use your programme for about 6 weeks.
Upon returning from my holiday trip, I want to be able to access the last XX backups.
With the current feature formulated as 'delete backups older than XX days', of XX = 30 days,
I would have lost all back-ups.

BTW, thanx for your nice programme and keep up the good work!

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